Wilma 從天父領受的異象圖

Wilma 從天父領受的異象圖
Jesus Is The Savior and Lord of the whole Earth. 耶穌基督是全球之主


難題助我們懂甚麼? Problems are to train our resolving skill

I would say to you today, your problem is not your problem,
the problem is sometimes you think the problem is the problem.
the problem that isn't the problem becomes a problem,
not because it's a problem.
But, you didn't know the problem wasn't a problem,
the problem that isn't a problem now has become a problem.
And now you have a problem, not because you had a problem,
the problem was you didn't know the problem wasn't a problem.
And so now you do have a problem.

A little kid in elementary school was in bed
and he was reading a new book
about one of his favorite heroes.
He loved the hero in this series of books.
He's about halfway through the book
when he becomes greatly concerned
because terrible things are happening to the hero.
He's tied up and they've kidnapped him.
So, the kid's somewhat worried.
Is the hero going to make it?
Finally, he can't stand it anymore.
You've done this before, haven't you?
I've done this before.
You know what he did, don't you?
He goes to the back of the book
and reads the last couple of pages.
He could tell the hero was going to be fine
and the hero wasn't going to be captured.
So now he goes back and reads the rest of it.
As he's reading, the hero is still in trouble.
But, he's smiling as he reads
and he's saying to his hero,
"It's going to be okay.
You don't know what I know,
but it's going to be okay."

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You don't know what
God knows in the midst of your problems and failures,
but let me tell you something,
it's going to be okay!

Read more about this week's guest pastor, John C. Maxwell.May 3, 2009.
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靠真理的靈禱告Verion 9 (粵語跟拍子音高讀歌詞)
(填詞歌例: 調寄: For I Know Who Holds Tomorrow)
講出心情輕鬆了 Version 2(粵語跟拍子音高讀歌詞示範)


柳慧敏 Wilma Liu上(香港,帶職音樂傳道人)
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更新於:2013-May-22, 12:16
