Wilma 從天父領受的異象圖

Wilma 從天父領受的異象圖
Jesus Is The Savior and Lord of the whole Earth. 耶穌基督是全球之主


[轉貼文章]:Biblical Marriage - Serving God, Serving Each Other -by Rick Warren

Biblical Marriage - Serving God, Serving Each Other Saturday February 13 2010 12:00 AM Posted by Rick Warren ...

Let love make you serve one another. Galatians 5:13 (TEV)
Any successful marriage is built upon the biblical truth that
God designed each of us with five purposes in mind:
worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and missions.
You and your spouse were both shaped for serving God.

The Bible says,
"God has made us what we are. In Christ Jesus,
God has made us to do good works,
which God planned in advance for us to live our lives doing" (Ephesians 2:10, NCV).
God shapes us for service through a variety of methods,
including the challenges you face in your marriage.
We learn to be effective in ministry as we learn to
serve our spouses, and learn, with our spouses, godly,
faithful responses to life's problems and God's blessings.

Who could better help somebody recover from
the pain of an addiction, a business failure,
a prodigal child than a couple who has been through these things
and emerged with godly insights?

Could it be that the part of your marriage you regret or resent the most --
that which you've wanted to hide or forget --
is the very thing God wants to use as your ministry
to help and encourage others sharing the same struggle?

God doesn't just use our strengths;
he uses our weaknesses, and even our failures!
"As for you, my friends, you were called to be free ... l
et love make you serve one another." (Galatians 5:13, TEV)
by Rick Warren

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朋合斯立乎 (純音樂) (填詞歌例, 調寄:Perhaps Love)


柳慧敏 Wilma Liu上
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耶穌基督是主!願人都尊祢的名為聖! 願祢的國降臨在地上如同在天上。