Wilma 從天父領受的異象圖

Wilma 從天父領受的異象圖
Jesus Is The Savior and Lord of the whole Earth. 耶穌基督是全球之主




“……我將新事,就是你所不知道的隱密事指示你。”以賽亞書48章6節 日光之下有新事嗎?所有思想是否一早已被構思好了嗎 ? 唯有全能的上帝才是真正根源 — 衪是所有生命和意念的造物主。因此,你怎可能是新事物的創設者?你怎會構想出一些前所未有的主意來? 首先,花點時間觀摩別人所作的事情。有些人害怕做研究,因為怕先入為主受人影響,削弱了自我創意,得不償失。但其實新的意念,都只是源於舊的意念轉化而成。一旦你花時間觀摩已有的創作,再接通那創意之源 — 我們的造物主,愈是跟祂接近,你的意念便會更創新。祂給你的構思,可源源不絕,今日就接通這位造物主。 有時簡單而言,創造力就是視野。今日就試試在舊事物之中找尋新觀念,這樣可使你和你身邊的人,生活得清新愉快 ,更添情趣。
____________________________________________________________________ 英原著:蕭倩娜博士

Creativity's true source By Sheila Schuller Coleman

"I will tell you of new things, of hidden things unknown to you." – Isaiah 48:6 Is there anything new under the sun? Has every original thought already been conceived? The only true original is Almighty God—Creator of all life and all ideas.
So, how can you be a creator of something fresh and new? How do you come up with an idea that no one else has thought of?
First, spend time looking at what others are doing. Some people are afraid to do research for fear of being influenced and their creativity being adversely diminished as a result of it. But all fresh ideas are just old ideas with a new twist. Once you've spent time looking into existing creations, tap into the ultimate source of creative power, plug into your Creator. The closer you are to him, the more creative and fresh your ideas will be. His supply is endless. Tap into the Creator today. Sometimes creativity is simply a matter of perspective. Today, look for new ways of doing "old" things. It will add fun to your day and refresh both you and the people around you. __________________________________________________

Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do !
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卓越而多產的秘密 (純音樂)


Wilma Liu 柳慧敏傳道